5+ years iOS development experience (8+ years development experiences overall), currently focus on Objective- c/Swift development, Bachelor of Engineering, majored in Software Engineering.

Skills and Experiences:

  • good code and comment style
  • ability to write and maintain professional development documents
  • communication skills with QA, Product and UI Design team
  • experience in working with developers from different regions and backgrounds
  • knowledge of the differences between individual iOS versions
  • experience in both iPhone and iPad application development, CocoaTouch Frameworks
  • experience in writing flexible view controls with AutoLayout and InterfaceBuilder
  • experience in CoreData and SQLite of iOS
  • experience in APNS(Apple Push Notification Service)
  • experience in multi-threading(GCD and Operation Queue) development
  • experience in using Instruments to locate and fix bugs, enhance performance
  • experience in working with RESTful api and exchanging data via JSON/XML
  • experience in an agile environment(Backlog List -> Planning Meeting -> Daily Standup -> Weekly Review)
  • proficiency with making reusable frameworks and managing third-party frameworks with CocoaPods/Carthage
  • proficiency with continuous integration and AppStore distribution
  • proficiency with HTTP prototol, experienced in mobile data tracking with Fiddler/Charles
  • proficiency with version control systems including Git/SVN and the corresponding GUI clients